What would you like to have achieved in your life?

We are busybusybusy all day long. Sometimes we have lots of things to get through. Sometimes we don’t so we invent things and get busy with those.

Do you want to get to the end of your days and regret everything you didn’t do? All the things you were too busy to fit in? All those things where you thought, “That would be nice, but not now.”?

Or would you rather relax and say I did it!

You see, this is a CHOICE!

A choice?

Yep. A choice you can make!

And you need to make the time to make that choice!

“Time and tide wait for no man,”

said some unknown whiz from the Thirteenth Century. And it’s as true now as it ever was.

Time is there for us to use, not just to occupy, or watch go by.

A palliative care nurse, Bronnie Ware, wrote The Top Five Regrets of the Dying as a result of her work. And the most common regret that she heard was this:

“I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Oh my! How sad that is!

And what an awful thing to realise when it’s too late! That all that knowledge and experience that a person gained in a long life was lost for ever. Simply because they never had the guts to follow their own dreams, their own star, to listen to their own longings, and heed them.

But that doesn’t need to be you!

There is always time to align yourself with what you truly want in life.

“Success is a function of alignment”

In order to achieve what you want in life - what you truly want - you need to be in alignment with your values. Once you get that sorted, the rest is all pretty plain sailing!

It can feel so much easier to say, “I’d love to … do this or that … but I can’t because …” and there you can make an endless list of why it’s not possible. You may include your spouse, your family, your current job, your sore leg, your “not being good at maths”.

Maybe it’s time, money, skills, you feel are lacking. Or maybe you just think you’re not good enough, you’re an impostor, no one will ever listen to you.

What else is stopping you? What else do you want to add to that long list to make sure you don’t take the risk of going for what you want? Because that’s what excuses are! A way to avoid something that’s causing you a bit of anxiety.

Well I’m here to tell you that all that huge list of things you’ve just thought of that are preventing you from achieving what you want in life can evaporate! Poof! Gone!

Once you have your destination in mind, the how of getting there falls into place.


The winds will blow!