The emotions behind those fears

Last time I was looking at fears. And the fact that most fears are learned fears. Something we’ve dreamt up, for whatever reason - not something that is a fact and has to control our lives for ever!

Emotions vs Thoughts

You see, fear is simply an emotion. It's something you feel in your body because of something you think in your head! It doesn’t come from nowhere. Something happened that made you think something and that thought produced fear in your breast. As a species we’re very suggestible!

If you’re walking along with a friend and they suddenly grab you and say “WOSSAT???!” you’re likely to stiffen and gasp and say “What? Where??” and catch their fear. But there wasn’t anything … Just a rustle of wind in the leaves, a shadow on the road … nothing. And their perception provoked a thought which produced fear, which they passed to you … All over nothing.

Can you see how you could be manufacturing those fears all by yourself?

And it’s one of the things I love working through with people. As a Transition Coach, I work with a lot of folk who are trying something new - a new direction, a new life, even a new country … and fear of the unknown is often the thing that has stopped them - up to now!


Resolving the fear

So how do you ditch these unwanted and unwelcome fears?

If it’s a fear of heights or water I suppose you can just avoid them as far as possible, but you’re more likely to experience the dangers of falling from a height or drowning in water if you are stiff with fear when you meet them!

And being stiff with fear is NOT the way to move into the new path you’ve chosen for yourself. The new direction you want to take your life - possibly a new business, a new career. Working for yourself when previously you’ve always been employed by someone else, you want to step forward with courage - with pride!

So what can you do?

You’ve seen that a fear is an emotion resulting from a thought.

Everything in our lives is resulting from a thought - nothing happens unless we think it first.

And before you say “War” or “Pandemic” what I mean is that those things will happen, sadly, but how we RESPOND is entirely down to us. How we think is how we will feel about those things.  People will come through the same experience with totally different outlooks and results.


Because they chose to interpret the experience in a way that was beneficial to them. So the thing is DRUM ROLL …  🥁 🥁 🥁

You can change what you think at any time! BOOM! 💥


Take that fear, Work back and find the thought that produced the fear and change the thought. If your car is not running you don’t kick the car and say “Well now I’ll have to walk everywhere”. You take it to the mechanic. He finds the fuel isn’t getting through to the engine. He traces back the fuel line and finds the fault, Fixes it, and off you drive! 

Find your fuel line!

Find where the leak is!

Change that thought, change it from “I’m afraid to try something new” to “I’m excited to try something new”.

Now get going!

So what thoughts are you going to change to allow you to try something new? Do tell me! And if you’d like a little help in the change, here I am.



Are you holding yourself back because you think you’re not ready? 


“I’m afraid to try something new!”