Apple Laureta Apple Laureta

An Exploration of Experience vs Book-Learning - a short series - 3

Having learnt all that it meant I was better able to focus on my client rather than be worrying about what to do next! Worrying whether I was good enough!

 These feelings of insufficiency are crippling and unnecessary!

Why waste so much time when you could be out there doing the thing you love?

Helping others with their problems by showing them how to solve them. Feeling satisfied with your life spending time with the thing you’re passionate about!

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

What have you achieved so far?

I want you to focus on your good points, Yes - you have good points! We all have good points. Sometimes they get a bit buried In the hustle and bustle of daily life but they are there and you want to be sure to give them expression as often as you can.

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Apple Laureta Apple Laureta

Clear the space for Creativity!

I have to confess that I used to sit waiting for inspiration.

I was busy all the time, doing this, doing that … and I expected the muse to appear, tap me on the shoulder, and say, “Excuse me, but were you wanting a shaft of light?”

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Beverley Courtney Beverley Courtney

You create a better life by creating a better self-image

Is that True or False?

I floated this question in the my private group Creativity Central recently and got ZERO response.

Now either I worded it too obscurely for it to be understood or nobody agreed with me,Or could see any sense in the statement.

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