“It’s so hard”


Have you ever found yourself saying this?

Or perhaps it’s “I’m so worried about this ..” or just plain “Why me?”

We all have times in our lives when we may feel everything’s become too much. We feel swamped. We feel we are trudging uphill through a combination of deep snow and treacle!

And you could be forgiven for feeling there’s no way out.

This way!

But there really is a way out! You can turn your focus to all the good things in your life, past or present - and yes, there are good things - and fix your gaze on them instead of where you are currently looking.

We have it within us to be who we need to be to feel fulfilled.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”

Someone said that somewhere a good while ago. Its provenance is lost. But it’s good, nevertheless!

It suggests that we all have a purpose in life. And our task is to discover that purpose.

For some it’s fairly easy. Their gifts are clear from an early age, and that’s all they want to do with their life. But even they can get sidetracked with all the daily woes of earning a living, and managing their life with the people they’ve chosen to share it with.

But for the majority of us, with no incredible gifts - we have to hunt down what is right for us!

♥️ What lights your fire?

♥️ What fills you with joy?

♥️ What is the one thing you simply must achieve in order to feel your life was worth it?

Remember that talking these things through with someone who listens can be cathartic. I’ll be happy to listen while you get these ideas creaking into action!


So who is this Tabitha?


Each moment describes who you are …