Each moment describes who you are …


.. and each moment gives you the opportunity to decide if that’s who you want to be.

Are you feeling you’ve missed the boat? That somehow everyone else is trucking along on their mission, but you’re left wondering what your mission even is?

Trust me, I’ve been there!

I spent my time being busy, trying to achieve small goals (I only thought very small back then), maybe succeeding, maybe failing, never feeling good enough. Never feeling that I had anything that was needed in the world.

It was only when I found myself forced into making some solid decisions that things really started moving for me.

The very word “decide” comes from the Latin de- (meaning off) and caedere (meaning cut), same root as excision, scissors, homicide.

It means you pick one route forward and cut off all the others. Of its very essence, a decision can’t be gone back on.

Decisions, decisions …

Some of us need a bit of practice at this skill! Instead of getting a thought in your head and letting it go round and round and tunnel through your brain till it drives you crackers, make a decision. Then stick to it.

If this is hard, start with something simple: red jumper or blue jumper? Coffee or tea? Flex your decision-making muscles!

Then you can move onto more challenging stuff. The decisions which get you bogged down in all the “what-ifs”, “what will they think,” “who am I to do this?”

I work with people all the time who had been stuck in this downward spiral of worry and indecision. Once we looked at it in a different way, their route forward became obvious. The decision became automatic.

Fancy kicking your biggest worries to the kerb like that?


“It’s so hard”


The winds will blow!