Do what you can with what you have from where you are

I was talking previously about how you may feel - for all sorts of endless reasons! - that you’re not ready to follow your dream and embark on the life you really want for yourself.


The fact is - as I will show you! That you ARE ready! Really! And all you have to do is ..

Do what you can with what you have from where you are

- whether you want to write a book, start a business, become a practitioner of some kind, move house and life, or leave the day-job.

I’m going to add a small caveat here: I’ve had a few people approach me recently saying they want to start a dog training business, and when I ask for more information i’ve found that

  1. They haven’t got a dog

  2. They’ve never trained a dog

  3. They have learnt nothing about the science of dog behaviour


But they just think they’d be good at it. This is pretty astonishing! They must think that it’s so easy that anyone can do it - and as anyone with any sense knows - EVERYTHING takes effort, whatever area you want to make your career! Learning the subject, learning the business. It’s not easy!


I could say, “I would like to be a Cordon bleu chef” but I’ve never worked in a commercial kitchen; I’ve never been to catering school; I can barely boil an egg. But it’s got to be easy, right?




There are some things you absolutely need before you embark on any new career, and a solid grounding in the science as it applies to your chosen field is one of those things. Once you’ve learnt whatever it is, then you need experience to know what you’ve learnt, and how to use that knowledge.

It takes time. If you’re serious about your new career you know this! 

But let’s go back.

I said all you have to do is Do what you can with what you have from where you are and that’s what I want to focus on today. You have to start somewhere! And not starting anywhere because of all those named and unnamed fears we talked about earlier .. is not going to cut the mustard!


Fears like …

👉  I haven’t enough money.

👉  I haven’t enough time.

👉  I don’t have the support.

👉  I haven’t passed the exams … 

👉  I’m simply not good enough.


Until you actually START you won’t truly know what you need, what you don’t have, and what you don’t know. It’s only once you’ve begun that you see the gaps and learn how to fill them. 

And that’s done by starting FROM WHERE YOU ARE!

Don’t know how to do it? DO WHAT YOU CAN!

Haven’t got everything in place? START WITH WHAT YOU HAVE!



We’ve all got something and the most important thing we have is the DESIRE: the desire to start serving the world in this new way. If that desire is burning in your heart then get started today! Don’t wait another moment to light up the world!


Start from where you are with what you have and do what you can!


Is this what you’re going to do? Cast aside those fears and begin?


Some of my Transform your Business coaching clients were once in this state of mind. And they gradually realised that - with a bit of coaching - they could completely change this! 


Now I’m not suggesting you stumble blindly about not knowing what you’re doing! But there are so many people who’ve already done much of what you want to achieve. 

Yes - you will bring your own, individual personality to it, but a lot of it is already available to you. No need to re-invent the wheel!


And the students in my Brilliant Family Dog Trainer Business Program have come to me because they recognise that I can give them the help they need to get their individual ideas to their own clients, and their clients’ dogs!


Is this what you’re looking for? Then go to this page and find out more


To gain you have to give!


Are you holding yourself back because you think you’re not ready?